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50th International Eucharistic Congress involves Alpha

The 50th International Eucharistic Congress 2012 (IEC2012) is pleased to announce the involvement of Alpha, a parish tool for evangelisation, providing people with a practical introduction to the Christian faith, as part of the official Congress programme from 10 – 17 June 2012.

Alpha will participate during the eight-day Congress by contributing to the Host Church programme, the official Congress programme and the Chiara Luce Youth Space.

Alpha’s role in the Host Church programme will begin on Tuesday 12 June 2012 at Whitefriar Street Church, Aungier Street, Dublin 2. Alpha International will be offering a mini-Alpha experience, giving Congress pilgrims and members of the public a taste of the Alpha course.

As part of this programme individuals will be invited to several daytime and evening sessions throughout the week, to listen to short talks from live speakers on a range of topics relating to the Christian faith, for example, ‘How and why should I pray?’ ‘How and why should I read the Bible?’ and ‘Telling others’. Participants will then be divided into groups for refreshments and an open discussion about the talks.

On Thursday 14 June 2012, Alpha’s involvement continues with a talk by Nicky Gumbel, a Vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton, an Anglican church based in central London. Gumbel is a pioneer of the Alpha course, a 15-session introduction to the Christian faith, which is now running in 60,000 churches of different denominations including Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant churches.

Nicky’s talk will take place on the themed day of reconciliation (14 June) at the Congress, where he will discuss the theme of unity in a talk entitled ‘Communion in our Common Baptism’, focusing on Jesus’ prayer that those who believe in Him ‘may be one … so that the world may believe’ (John 17: 21).

Since 1993, more than 18 million people have completed an Alpha course. Currently Alpha is running in thousands of Catholic parishes in more than 65 countries and has received the support of many Catholic leaders across the world, including His Eminence Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Papal Legate for the 50th International Eucharistic Congress who said: “Alpha brings people closer and helps them to find that power which unites. The Alpha experience is not only a means through which one finds true life, but also a way to share the good news of the Living Christ. It paves the way for reconciliation and is a symbol of hope for Christian unity.”

As the Chiara Luce Youth Space comes to a close towards the end of the Congress week, young people will be commissioned to go back to their parishes to begin a local faith programme. On Saturday evening, 16 June, Alpha will be presenting the session ‘And tomorrow?!’ equipping and encouraging young people to spread the faith.

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